Thursday, June 30, 2005

A Eulogy...Saying Goodbye to an old friend and my first love

I recently got in contact with a friend of mine from Maine. His name is Scott (it will make things less confusing to use names) he regrettably informed me that a good friend of mine from Maine passed away his name was Brian. I'm sorry to say that because we had gotten out of contact I did not know this had happened. He died a couple years ago due to complications from Chrohn's Disease.

Brian was my first love...we were at a party in 7th grade and he and I talked the whole night. I knew after that he was the one for me. Unfortunately he didn't realize it til a year later (boys are always behind the curve). We went to the 8th grade dance together. Although we never officially went out it was kind of assumed we were a couple or as much of a couple as 8th graders can be. After I left Maine, we lost touch for awhile. Then he found me in around 1998 we had a few visits when he was on his way home from school. They were enjoyable. But for some reason we lost touch again. And I took it for granted that I could find him again. Unfortunately he is gone and I can't find him again. But he will live on my memories as many others do.

As I say good bye to my first love I encourage you to stay in contact with those you love and care about because life is short.

love you guys,

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Music with a message...

I had never heard of this band until today but I may become their biggest fan. As the video for one of their new songs they have a message against drinking and driving. It is a very powerful and meaningful message.

Now most of you know I joke about and am often picked on for being a heavy drinker. I'm not. But I can joke about it. One thing I do not and will not joke about is drinking and driving.

As I have said many many times to our college friends...if you drink...don't drive...and if you find yourself in a situation where you or your driver is unable to drive take a cab or call a sober friend. Don't drive drunk!!!! And check out this link. Click on the Untitled video.

Love ya,

PS I promise a fun post coming honor of AFI's top 100 movie quotes of all own list!!

Friday, June 24, 2005

Dave Matthews Band

Hello all,

I was out til 1 am this some of you may be thinking I was in a bar which was not the case. Bars close at 2:00 silly kids. Seriously I was at an awesome concert. Dave Matthews Band knows how to put on a show. And I could have listened to his saxophone player all night long. Followed by his violinist. They both rocked!! And his drummer was cool too. Ok the whole band was awesome. And there is nothing like a live show. It made me want to start going to concerts again. I used to do that a lot but then I stopped. I should start again.

I plan on attending more concerts. I am looking at the Bodeans in September. And there are some others. We'll see what comes up.

If you want to join me give me a call.


Phantom of the Opera

Ok those that know me know this is one of my favorite musicals. Part of what makes it cool is that in a live performance you almost feel like part of the show as the Phantom runs behind you. And I confess when I saw the preview chills ran down my spine as I heard the erie sound of the phantom. I couldn't wait....but what if they messed it up? I was nervous. When it came out I had plans to see it in the theater but never quite made it. So I added it to my Blockbuster by mail service and recently it arrived in my mailbox. Ok not too recently it took me a month to watch it. (or to get around to watching it) There are many reasons for this one of which was my anxiety over what they would do to it. Well I worried for nothing. Although not as good as seeing it in Her Majesty's Theater in was well done. I would recommend it and plan on buying it. Oh and if you have the opportunity I highly recommend seeing it in a house with surround sound. It is awesome.

Have a good weekend kids!! And if you need something to do...get some culture and rent Phantom it is worth it.

love ya,

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Nothing endures but change...

Heraclitus said that...he was a Greek philosopher so he must be smart right?

While in this case he was. We have to accept that things change whether we want them to or not. This past weekend I had the honor and priviledge of attending graduation and graduation parties for some impressive graduates.

It is interesting graduations bring up a number of emotions for all involved. For me it was a reminder of how quickly people grow up. I babysat one of the graduates when he was 6 years old and now he is old enough to graduate. It is weird.

I wish them all the best in their future endevors and yet I will miss them. They are like siblings to me. So come August I will say good bye to them. I know that we will keep in touch but it won't be the same.

So this summer I will try and spend as much time as I can with them.

Life is short...charish the time you have.

Enjoy life,

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

A Poll...

Hello All,

I thought I would enlist you the readers in a decision...

I have always loved the classic Ford Mustang...the 60s were good for them. But then Ford went through a time where the Mustang left a lot to be desired. Now however...Ford has come to their senses and has created a beautiful dream of a car...I have driven one and it is better than you can imagine. Now here is my dilemma...I want a Ford Mustang...but a couple months ago I bought a new car, a Ford Freestyle...I like my new car a lot but I thought I would have the best of both worlds. I would own a Freestyle and someone else would own a Mustang so I would have access to both. But alas sometimes life throws you a curve ball. So now it is up to me and you the loyal readers (all 2 of you) to decide what to I

A) Keep the Freestyle even though I am single, have no kids, and no plan to get married or have kids anytime in the near future (so in other words no real reason to own a car that carries 7 people).

B) Trade in the Freestyle and buy the most beautiful car in the world the Ford Mustang (convertible of course).

C) Go crazy and keep the Ford Freestyle and buy the Ford Mustang (I wonder if Eastern State has garage parking? Have to keep the Mustang safe)

Ok kids the decision needs to be made...what do I do next? Vote and justify your decision. ;-)

Have a good hump day!


Thursday, June 09, 2005

Sometimes its in the stars...

Ok so I don't normally follow horoscopes but I like todays....

November 22 - December 20
The thing to do is celebrate, and the time to do it is now. Today marks the beginning of a new period for you, dear Sagittarius, in which you will have a greater connection with your loved ones and the people around you in general. All social activities are extremely favored so make sure to RSVP to every party invitation you get and tell the host or hostess that you will be attending.

It is time to celebrate I like that...I think I am starting a new chapter in my life and I like it. Things aren't perfect but they are looking up and that is good. I look forward to a good weekend! Hope you have one too!!

love ya,

Monday, June 06, 2005

Weekend Update....

Hello All,

Ok here it goes...and it was busy...

Friday night brought the Gong was great...all the acts were amazing! And we had a blast...lots of laughs...lots of fun and fellowship! If you missed it you missed out.

Saturday brought an annual trip to the Greek Festival...good food, good crafts...good time! If you missed it you should go next year. It is a good event. Then Saturday night brought an awesome was fun...we all had a blast. Closed the place down. And yes there was an open bar but I didn't partake since it was beer and wine and I'm a hard liquor girl. But I did partake in the paid bar...gotta love a fuzzy navel. ;-)

Sunday brought the Janet and Keith Show, lunch, and a great Recital. Ferto can wail on that sax. (Just make sure it is protected.) Although I do think he should have considered some of his alternate titles...I'll let them be explained on Ferto's site...if he doesn't I will. ;-)

Today brings a completely new experience for me...I am working full-time...who can happen to the best of us. I have full-time pay and full-time benefits! Yes I have health insurance paid for by my employment...something I've never had before...and something that it really stinks to have to get on your own. So I am working 9-6 Monday through Friday with a one hour lunch break. So give me a ring if you want to do lunch. Or have your people call my people. ;-)

Have a great day!!!

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

My Weekend...

Ok so here is my weekend...

Friday hung out at the Casa de Wrenn and watch Kill Bill 2...having never seen Kill Bill I wasn't sure what to think going in...but I liked it. It was actually very good...except for one scene involving an eye...

Saturday...helped a friend of mine pack...she is moving to Richmond...she is trying to talk me into moving there too...I don't know...we'll see. Then Cindy being the awesome friend that she is took me out to dinner and kept me company while Greg and Gregory went to a graduation party. It was fun...she and I hadn't had a long conversation in awhile.

Sunday...was lunch with the crew and a poker night at the Wrenns...both were enjoyable...but a little weird for me I admit...if you were there you know why...if you weren't ask me I'll be happy to tell you...but I won't be discussing it here. The cool thing at poker night was that Gregory and I actually ended up being the last two standing in our intial was a first and it rocked...congrats on your victory Gregory!! But the night didn't break up til 4:00 am so Monday I was tired...

Monday...more packing...and then a trip to see Star Wars III for a second was good again. Then the most amazing hamburgers I've had in a long time thanks Greg!! And then home to catch up on sleep. Which I didn't really because I had weird dreams which I may or may not discuss later.

Hope your weekend was good!
