Monday, June 05, 2006

Hello Again

Hello All,

So its been a while...and I keep promising it won't be but as they say...'life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans.' Anyway...I'll try and make it more regular but no promises.

So an update...I am finally completed unpacking at my house and I will have a guest room together as of this weekend. It is in use this weekend and the beginning of next week but after that you're free to stop by. If you haven't been by you should because I normally have a stocked fridge with beverages of your choice, a pool table, a hot tub and the usual tv, nintendo, etc. So all and all I'm ready to entertain. And as a bonus...lots of parking on the side.

A few more updates...I love my job it was almost a year ago at this time that my work decided to make me full time. They still hadn't quite figured out my job as it is today but we were on our way. The beauty of writing your own job description is you can make it fluid enough to work for you. I am constantly expanding my job as well as my responsibilities to better fit where the job needs to go.

And on a personal front I am dating...I won't go into detail here to protect the innocent but things are going well and looking good.

On weekends I'm busy with going out with friends, sorority things, church, etc. It is nice to be busy. Of course some of my friends have returned from college and we need to hang out more often. So I'm working on that.

So basically life is good. I hope yours is too.


Work like you don't need the money...
Dance like nobody's watching...
Love like you've never been hurt...

Take care kids,


At 4/12/2012 10:31 PM, Blogger Adventures as a Small Town Mom said...

Sounds like things are looking up - how awesome that you got to make your own job description and that you are dating!


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