Monday, July 11, 2005

What a weird week its been...

Ok so it has been a weird week.

Thursday was a really weird day for me. First as I'm getting ready for work I hear that bombs have gone off in the London Subway and on a bus. Now this is shocking enough but it is even more shocking when your brother lives in the midst of it. He was ok. Thank you to all of you who called, emailed, etc to check on him. We appreciated the concern. He was at work when it happened and he had ridden his scooter to work that day so he didn't have to deal with the subway on his way home either. But none the less it was nerve wracking until I heard from him and knew he was ok. He's the only one I got and I'd kinda like to keep him. So after a phone call from him I felt better. My day was pretty quiet after that...until....

That evening I got home and someone was in my space. No big deal I'll find another space and leave a nice note letting them know that it was a reserved space and they should park elsewhere in the future. Then I head in as the storms begin. A little later I decided to poke my head out and watch the storms (and check to see if the person has moved their car). All was fine until I tried to go back in. The door was locked and I had no key and I was almost in my pjs not quite but almost. SO barefoot I start knocking on one in my immediate quad was answering so I go down to the next quad and start knocking. I find a neighbor who is home and ask to use her phone...she offers to break me in to my apartment. She does with a freebee credit card. It was actually quite impressive to watch. And a little frightening. But she got me in and I didn't have to pay the fee. All was well. And I actually met one of my neighbors. Thanks to her!

Weekend update coming soon! And I'm still working on my list....



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