Thursday, July 28, 2005

Weekend updates...

Well on the weekends over the past two weeks I have attended a movie and two live plays...

I saw Fantastic 4 a couple weekends ago...I thought it was ok...a typical action movie with a little love story thrown in. Not bad...some interesting special effects. I would suggest seeing it if you like action movies. I know some people didn't like it but it wasn't bad. (I wanted to see Batman but my friend had already seen it so he wanted to see Fantastic 4 instead)

And for live theater I saw Shakespeare's The Tempest which was very well done and very enjoyable. Then I also saw The Compleat Works of Wllm Shkspr (Abridged). I have not laughed so hard in a long time. Imagine Monty Python does Shakespeare and you have the Complete Works. Three men performed all the parts as well as playing 'themselves'. It was great! I highly recommend going to see it. It will be up at William and Mary until July 31st! (that's this Sunday)

Enrich your mind (if you have one) and enjoy some live theater!

The Thespian


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