Tuesday, September 21, 2004

A fantasy football update...

Ok so I pulled off another victory this week...by the skin of my teeth if Culpepper had played the way he normally does I wouldn't have done it but I am happy to have another victory. Next week I will have to pick better but hey that's football. So wish me luck as I head into week three.

Funny Things

A couple of things I found funny...ok this may be a sign of a problem but most of you knew that.

This weekend while watching the Titans and the Colts the announcer said after a penalty...where a player was reaching back to feel where another player was...."I want a football where you can feel a guy." I may not have the wording exactly right but it was similar and it was funny.

Today I got my lunch from Burger King...I had Chicken Tenders and this was on top of the box..."A lot of people ask us what makes our CHICKEN TENDERS well, so tender. And while we'd love to say it's because we play BO's power ballads for them all day long, it just wouldn't be true. But you've got to admit, it would be pretty funny if it were." I agree it is funny. So I thought I would share.

Enjoy! And go out and enjoy the weather if you can.


Friday, September 17, 2004

Life can be crazy sometimes...

Ok so I thought this would be a slack semester with a bio lab and an elective however I picked the whammy of an elective...reading and writing galore. Really I should have seen it coming with the reading list she gave us. A book a week and not a short quick book but a long 300-400 page book a week. Oh well they are good books and I love the class so it is worth it. But I won't lie I have my focus on the light at the end of the tunnel...graduation. I can't wait.

More later...

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

A little whining on my part....

Ok so I have an assigned space where I live that I got as a bonus for renewing my lease this year. So I pay for it. Different people keep parking there mainly because it is convenient to a number of apartments. I think most of them are visitors so I can't get too mad at them but there is a sign that tells them it is reserved. The apartment complex will tow them when the office is open and we are responsible for towing it after hours. Now I don't want to tow someone's car so I park elsewhere but it is frustrating. So instead of having them towed I leave a nice little note telling them that it is a reserved parking space and asking them to park elsewhere in the future.

And apparently my apartment took lighting lessons from CNU because we too are in the dark around my apartment. Or maybe it is just me...who knows.

Ok enough grumbles for one night.

Take care,

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

On the fantasy football front....

I won this weekend...133 to 118. I had the second highest score in the league. I don't want to jinx myself so I think I will refrain from smack a while longer until I'm more confident about my team. But we shall see what happens this week.

Wish me luck,

Here's what is wrong with our world!

Today the verdict came back in the trial of Marcus Vick...what did he get? A slap on the wrist if you can call it that.
For one count of contributing to the delinquency of a minor he received:
  • $100 fine
  • a 30 day suspended sentence
  • 24 hours of community service
For the counts of reckless driving and possesion of drugs he received:
  • $300 fine
  • 36 hours of community service
Ok so here comes a rant about athletes...

Why is it that we are willing to let athletes get away with anything if they are good at their respective sport? Although I don't think this is entirely true. For example I doubt if an amazing tennis player behaved like Marcus that would be shrugged off quite so quickly but I digress. I think it is truely sad that we let athletes get away with things because they are good at what they do. We argue that athletes should be role models yet we let them get away with things like this. So what message do we send? Get good at a sport and you can get away with anything. It is crazy and I for one am tired of it. I don't care what talents you have, you are responsible for your actions. So behave like a semi-responsible adult and take your consequences as such.

Talk at you later,

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

An observation

I noticed something at school...I noticed this last year but it is even more obvious this year. A lot of younger people are getting married. When I say younger I mean 19-20 years old. I am going to step up on my box for a minute here. Ok I know it is a temptation to believe that you can make a decision like that at 19 or 20 but I assure you most people don't know who they want to be for the rest of their lives let alone who they want to be with. Now as with anything there are exceptions to this idea. Some of my friends knew who they were going to spend the rest of their lives with but in general I ask why rush? If the love is there now to get you down the aisle it will be there in a few years when you are done with school, etc.

Ok I admit maybe I am skeptical because of my friends the ones who got married at 20-21 most of them are divorced. Although the ones who were 25 or so are still happily married and have beautiful children. I guess all I am saying is give it time...it can't hurt anything.

Someday I may explain where my reservations come from but not today.

take care,

Saturday, September 04, 2004

A Brief Rant

CNU is apparently trying an experiment to see if they can increase crime on their campus by making it dark as possible. I am taking two night classes this semester and I came out of class the other night into almost pitch dark. Now I am not one who assumes an attacker is lurking around every corner but I also don't think we need to set up an environment where it makes it easier for crime to happen. Ironically CNU also has a "take back the night" program every year where students and faculty walk around campus with candles to illuminate the darkness so women in particular won't be afraid. Ok maybe I am missing something...but a campus that claims to be supportive of women and their effort to end violence can't manage to illuminate the campus to make people feel safer. Currently they are blaming it on the construction but put up some temporary lights or something. Students need to feel safe and be safe in order to pay tuition and we all know that is all CNU cares about.

Really money is all they care about and that was proven this Wednesday with their opening concert at the new Ferguson Arts Center. Guess who....Tony Bennett...half of the students haven't heard of him and most of the rest have no desire to see him in concert...and if they did they couldn't affort the $100 plus ticket. But Trible didn't really want students at the concert any more than he wants students in most of the buildings...if he could figure out a plan where he could get our money and not actually ever have us on campus I think he would. CNU has the 'motto' "students first" Trible claims this means students come first....excuse me while I die laughing.

Ok so I may be a little bias where CNU is concerned...they have done alot of improvements to the school but I am still not convinced this is for the benefit for of the students.

Ok I'm done now.

Thursday, September 02, 2004

the count down begins

The count down begins...only a week until football season begins and I can't wait! And the really sweet part is the first game has my boys playing...GO PATRIOTS!!! And that also means my season begins again for Fantasy Football. Ironically I am now one of the people I used to make fun of. I love football now...I actually watch it voluntarily. I research players for my team and watch the games to see how they do. But the best part is the group of other coaches they are a crazy (and I mean as in pretty white jackets crazy) but they are a great bunch of people. We have lots of fun throwing smack around on our board...I can't wait...it should be fun.
