Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Funny Things

A couple of things I found funny...ok this may be a sign of a problem but most of you knew that.

This weekend while watching the Titans and the Colts the announcer said after a penalty...where a player was reaching back to feel where another player was...."I want a football where you can feel a guy." I may not have the wording exactly right but it was similar and it was funny.

Today I got my lunch from Burger King...I had Chicken Tenders and this was on top of the box..."A lot of people ask us what makes our CHICKEN TENDERS well, so tender. And while we'd love to say it's because we play BO's power ballads for them all day long, it just wouldn't be true. But you've got to admit, it would be pretty funny if it were." I agree it is funny. So I thought I would share.

Enjoy! And go out and enjoy the weather if you can.



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