Saturday, September 04, 2004

A Brief Rant

CNU is apparently trying an experiment to see if they can increase crime on their campus by making it dark as possible. I am taking two night classes this semester and I came out of class the other night into almost pitch dark. Now I am not one who assumes an attacker is lurking around every corner but I also don't think we need to set up an environment where it makes it easier for crime to happen. Ironically CNU also has a "take back the night" program every year where students and faculty walk around campus with candles to illuminate the darkness so women in particular won't be afraid. Ok maybe I am missing something...but a campus that claims to be supportive of women and their effort to end violence can't manage to illuminate the campus to make people feel safer. Currently they are blaming it on the construction but put up some temporary lights or something. Students need to feel safe and be safe in order to pay tuition and we all know that is all CNU cares about.

Really money is all they care about and that was proven this Wednesday with their opening concert at the new Ferguson Arts Center. Guess who....Tony Bennett...half of the students haven't heard of him and most of the rest have no desire to see him in concert...and if they did they couldn't affort the $100 plus ticket. But Trible didn't really want students at the concert any more than he wants students in most of the buildings...if he could figure out a plan where he could get our money and not actually ever have us on campus I think he would. CNU has the 'motto' "students first" Trible claims this means students come first....excuse me while I die laughing.

Ok so I may be a little bias where CNU is concerned...they have done alot of improvements to the school but I am still not convinced this is for the benefit for of the students.

Ok I'm done now.


At 9/13/2004 4:01 PM, Blogger Ferto Wrenn said...

Yeah, CNU isn't the most dependable apparently. BTW, congratulations on your football victory over Dave. Keep representin! I still think some more smack would've enhanced the victory!!!!


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