Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Here's what is wrong with our world!

Today the verdict came back in the trial of Marcus Vick...what did he get? A slap on the wrist if you can call it that.
For one count of contributing to the delinquency of a minor he received:
  • $100 fine
  • a 30 day suspended sentence
  • 24 hours of community service
For the counts of reckless driving and possesion of drugs he received:
  • $300 fine
  • 36 hours of community service
Ok so here comes a rant about athletes...

Why is it that we are willing to let athletes get away with anything if they are good at their respective sport? Although I don't think this is entirely true. For example I doubt if an amazing tennis player behaved like Marcus that would be shrugged off quite so quickly but I digress. I think it is truely sad that we let athletes get away with things because they are good at what they do. We argue that athletes should be role models yet we let them get away with things like this. So what message do we send? Get good at a sport and you can get away with anything. It is crazy and I for one am tired of it. I don't care what talents you have, you are responsible for your actions. So behave like a semi-responsible adult and take your consequences as such.

Talk at you later,


At 9/14/2004 8:46 PM, Blogger Pablo said...

hi, megilon, nice blog, nah not really, its pretty average, but you seem cool.. maybe.. yeah people getting married too youing is crazy.. or is it?! maybe they are the only ones that last.. umm.. whatever. im bored and its my lunch break. Have fun.


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