Thursday, July 28, 2005


This article was run in the Daily Press today...I found it interesting given my brother update of earlier....,0,408279.column

One more thing....

I am still seriously considering the Mustang convertible in either the light silvery blue or the dark charcoal. I love that car and the more I see it the more I love it. It is a truely beautiful car. And as I've said I'm not a soccer mom and no plans any time soon so why not have a fun car to drive. Although in the past week I have actually used my car to haul multiple people. I normally just have myself and maybe one other person.

Ready to Cruz,

Job update...aka save the best for last

As some of you know for about a year now I have been wrestling with my employers to get them to make my position relate to my degree.

Well finally Staff/Parish Relations (Human Resources in a church) has approved the Communication Coordinator job description and it will go before Church Council (Board of Directors in a church) in August. It will hopefully be voted on may not get voted on until September. (Keep your fingers crossed for August) If it gets approved I will be the first Communication Coordinator. Which will mean better pay, a better title and of course more work. I'm thrilled and I hope that it all goes well.

Please keep me in your thoughts on August 9th (well really always) as it goes to Church Council.


Living Space Update...

Well the house search is back much so that this past Saturday I made an offer on a house I loved. I didn't get it someone else loved it more and offered more. They also guaranteed the appraisal. (that means even if it appraised for less than they offered they would pay the difference between the asking price and their offer over the appraisal...for example...

List Price $165,000
Offered Price $168,000
Appraisal Price $ 160,000
Price to Be Paid $ 163,000

Any questions?

But as I said I am looking so wish me luck! I can't wait to own a house and actually have space. And the other good news on this front...I've been approved for a higher loan amount so I have to put less down! Yippee!!

See you at the new house,

Weekend updates...

Well on the weekends over the past two weeks I have attended a movie and two live plays...

I saw Fantastic 4 a couple weekends ago...I thought it was ok...a typical action movie with a little love story thrown in. Not bad...some interesting special effects. I would suggest seeing it if you like action movies. I know some people didn't like it but it wasn't bad. (I wanted to see Batman but my friend had already seen it so he wanted to see Fantastic 4 instead)

And for live theater I saw Shakespeare's The Tempest which was very well done and very enjoyable. Then I also saw The Compleat Works of Wllm Shkspr (Abridged). I have not laughed so hard in a long time. Imagine Monty Python does Shakespeare and you have the Complete Works. Three men performed all the parts as well as playing 'themselves'. It was great! I highly recommend going to see it. It will be up at William and Mary until July 31st! (that's this Sunday)

Enrich your mind (if you have one) and enjoy some live theater!

The Thespian

London Update...aka How's your Brother Doing?

THANK YOU!!!!! to all who have asked! My brother was not hurt in any of the explosions in London. Some of them were on lines that he could have, should have been on but he wasn't so he is ok. And fortunately none of his friends were hurt in the incidents either. Although Londoners are a little jumpy at this point and he says everyone is a little more cautious. Keep London, Egypt, India, and all the other countries that are having innocent people attacked in your thoughts and prayers. We in the US go by the grace of God it could have just as easily been on our soil.

Thanks again,

PS I will be holding my breath next Thursday.


Hello All,

Its been awhile...and alot has happened so I will break it up instead of giving one long blinding paragraph I think I will break it keep reading. ( All 2 of you)

Take care,

Monday, July 11, 2005

What a weird week its been...

Ok so it has been a weird week.

Thursday was a really weird day for me. First as I'm getting ready for work I hear that bombs have gone off in the London Subway and on a bus. Now this is shocking enough but it is even more shocking when your brother lives in the midst of it. He was ok. Thank you to all of you who called, emailed, etc to check on him. We appreciated the concern. He was at work when it happened and he had ridden his scooter to work that day so he didn't have to deal with the subway on his way home either. But none the less it was nerve wracking until I heard from him and knew he was ok. He's the only one I got and I'd kinda like to keep him. So after a phone call from him I felt better. My day was pretty quiet after that...until....

That evening I got home and someone was in my space. No big deal I'll find another space and leave a nice note letting them know that it was a reserved space and they should park elsewhere in the future. Then I head in as the storms begin. A little later I decided to poke my head out and watch the storms (and check to see if the person has moved their car). All was fine until I tried to go back in. The door was locked and I had no key and I was almost in my pjs not quite but almost. SO barefoot I start knocking on one in my immediate quad was answering so I go down to the next quad and start knocking. I find a neighbor who is home and ask to use her phone...she offers to break me in to my apartment. She does with a freebee credit card. It was actually quite impressive to watch. And a little frightening. But she got me in and I didn't have to pay the fee. All was well. And I actually met one of my neighbors. Thanks to her!

Weekend update coming soon! And I'm still working on my list....
