Friday, October 01, 2004

And from the home front...

Hello all,

I know I know its been awhile...what can I say life has been to catch you up.

School is going well...I love my Fantasy Literature Course we just finished the Hobbit, the Lord of the Rings, the Simarillion and a few short stories by Tolkien. The Simarillion is the history of Middle Earth and a very daunting book. I would recommend it if you have a lot of time on your hands and you love The Lord of the Rings otherwise I would suggest you avoid it. Although it is interesting. My other 'class' is a bio lab...ok I know that taking a bio lab as a senior was not the best plan but hey I'm almost done and that is what is important. I lucked out with a good lab group so I can't complain too much.

Work is going well too...they are in the process of discussing the possibility of making a Communication Staff Person which would be a very good opportunity for me but right now it is in the planning stages. Something will have to happen when I graduate because no one can live on what I make for life. Or let me rephrase that no one should have to live on what I make. And if that doesn't work out I'll look into other options. Still have the idea of grad school floating around in my head from time to time so who knows. I know God will get me where I need to be when I need to be there...hopefully I won't arrive late like usual and miss it ;-).

Personally things are going well so I can't complain...good friends, good times, etc.

See you soon,

PS Have a great weekend!


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