Monday, August 22, 2005

Parting is such sweet sorrow....

Shakespeare was wise in many ways...this week/weekend brought a farewell to a turtle and two is always hard to say good bye and with these guys it is even harder. They are amazing people who have alot to offer to the world and will succeed at whatever they set out to accomplish. I have faith in this.

The turtle is in his second year and we hope he will have a successful year...(although we still think he should be a hokie). I know that he has a lot of potential. And although I pick on him often about his major of Astrology...oops I mean Astronomy I am actually quite proud of him.

Our two hokies are heading off for the first was hard to say good-bye to them because it was a new thing. One of the hokies was especially hard for me because I've known him since he was little. I trust they will do well up there.

All of them are like siblings to me (I mean that in a good way) and I truly wish them all the best. They deserve it.

Love ya,

~ Don't be dismayed at good-byes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again. And meeting again, after moments or lifetimes, is certain for those who are friends. -Richard Bach

Thursday, August 11, 2005

A thought...

If our church gets a big screen and a projector...maybe they would let us use it to watch Football, movies, etc on the off days. So there is a bonus.


The Best News So Far....

No I don't have a house...that hunt continues fortunately I'm not in a hurry so no worries.

But the good ready? want to know?.....I know you are getting excited now....

Yes ladies and gentlemen...I am St. Luke's new Communications Coordinator. I will have more responsibility but it will be within my degree. And it will include a pay life is good.

It was a long time coming but I guess like they say patience is a virtue.

Thanks for all your positive thoughts, your support, etc!!

love ya,

Weekend Update...

Interesting weekend for me...

Friday night found me at dinner with a friend at an Indian restaurant. It was good. Different but good. I highly recommend it if you haven't tried it.

Saturday found me having my all time score in bowling.

Sunday found me visiting another church that a friend of mine had invited me to check out. I went to see what they do as a contemporary service and because my friend seemed to want me to attend. If that is where our church is going. I don't like it. They had a big screen and a praise band and everything was broadcast on the screen. It was weird. And they threw me off with a couple other things as well...Communion given by passing it down the rows, baptism by a parishioner behind a wall in a tank. There was more ask me and I'll be happy to share.

Take care,

Home Search Update...

Well I made another offer on yet another house. I didn't get it. Someone else loved it more I guess. But I am continuing to search. Keep your fingers crossed for me.
