Monday, April 04, 2005

Wow time has flown by...

Ok so I hope this finds you healthy and happy...

A lot has happened since I last posted...

'Let me that would take to long let me sum up...' -Princess Bride (a great flick)

Ok I have sold my house finally....and that means my last official connection to my ex is done. WHOO HOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mainly I'm excited about not paying for a house and rent. That stinks...don't really recommend it.

Now that I have sold my house I am looking at buying a house....which in this area is kind of like pealing a potato with a spoon...tedious, frustrating and in the long run not very productive. I am taking pictures of houses and may put them up to get some input. Currently I am looking in York County in:

  • Coventry
  • Yorkshire Downs
  • Grafton Woods
  • York Crossing
  • Meadowlake

Hampton in Hampton Woods (over near Hampton AMC)

and Newport News in:

  • Kiln Creek
  • Millers Pond (part of Kiln Creek)
  • Townhomes near Mary Immaculate

The search is long but hopefully I'll find something. I either need to buy a house or sign a one year contract with my apartment because if I don't my rent will jump from $629.00 to $888.00. Apartments are a racket I am convinced.

On the job front I am still working at the church and I am working on convincing them to make me full-time. They seem to be agreeable to this but slow moving so we'll see. I also have a friend who works in a lawyer's office who knows of a job opening there soon so we'll see.

For those of you in school don't work too hard. And I hope you get outside to enjoy the fresh air.

Love ya,



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