Monday, April 25, 2005

Weekend update...

Hello all,

I have decided to start posting more often. It isn't so much that I have alot to say but it is good to ramble sometimes. So here it is...a good weekend overall.

Friday night - low key

Saturday - low key with a trip to a craft fair, a Pampered Chef show, and dinner and movies at the Casa de Wrenn. We watched Taxi and Dodgeball. If you haven't seen them you should they are funny. Especially Dodgeball. 'If you can dodge a wrench you can dodge a ball' ahahahahaha. Good times.

Sunday - typical church (although the Downs clan was missing). Lunch where we met Stephen's new girlfriend...she seems nice...and he seems to like her so that is good. Then hanging out at the Casa de Wrenn where Gregory and I attempted to make sense out of a poem about some Duke lamenting his lost duchess who was a painting...I don't know. But we discovered laundry can be poetic. Who knew.

Now it is back to the daily grind at work....but the boss is out this week which makes things a little more relaxed. So it should be a good week.

Tonight I am helping with college care boxes since I am no longer receiving one. WHOO HOO!!! But I am sorry to say I don't think they'll let me slip the airplane bottles of liquor in there as I had planned so you'll have to party on your own. ;-)

love ya,


At 4/25/2005 9:31 PM, Blogger The Harry Potter of Poker said...

Ahhhh, but it's soooo much CHEAPER if we get some liquor from you! Oh well, i suppose i could always rumage through some random guys fridge. They'd be too drunk to notice anyway ;)


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