Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Hmm...well it is like this...

Hello All,

A big thank you to all of you who have been supportive to me...I can't say thank you know who you are. If you don't know what I am talking about feel free to ask me and I will be happy to explain. I don't really think it is post appropriate. Anyway...I am doing better still having a tough time but my friends will get me through.

This past weekend was ok...kind of quiet and that is ok.

Friday I hung out at my parents house and watched movies, etc.

Saturday I went to an open house, went to the home and garden show at the new Hampton Center. Very nice facility. Then Saturday night I went to the Casa de Donnelly for a Cinco De Mayo Party. I had debated not going but my friends talked me into it so I went. Glad I did I had a very good time. Good food, good friends and a good margarita didn't hurt. There was even a beer pong tournament on but I didn't join in as I was my own dd and I don't like beer. Although they played with Corona. Didn't leave til almost 1:00am. It was good.

Sunday was pretty standard went to church, almost fell asleep during the sermon, the sanctuary was hot and the sermon was long. It was bad we almost lost the back row. Then the Wrenns and I invaded Applebees for lunch. Always fun and of course Gregory's fajitas leaked like nothing we had ever seen not even the fries could help. Sunday night was standard toons and such. Then back to the good old job on Monday.

As for the job still waiting to hear about full-time status but it is moving forward so that is good. I'll keep you up to date as it goes along.

As for the house search... I think I may give up looking for a house right now. I have a lot of uncertainties in my life with my job and such and I like where I live. So I may stay there another year. And then look next spring. I realize that this is a risk since prices will only continue to go up but a house is a commitment and I don't want to commit to something then decide oops that was a bad idea. So we'll see.

I am headed to see "Honk" at Grafton High tomorrow night. I have not heard the best reviews about this mainly because the play is weird not because Grafton does a poor job. Knowing them it will be good. I look forward to it. Besides it is always good to see the Wrenns and of course listen to Ferto and Stella.

Don't know about the weekend yet. Probably standard stuff. We'll see.

love ya,


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