Wednesday, November 03, 2004

God has a plan...and I may not like it

Let me start from the begining if I start in the middle it won't make as much sense...back the end of summer begining of fall the church where I worked decided it needed to improve communication. So a committee was started...(its a church thing, everything must have a committee) anyway another suggestion was made that they have a Communication Director to organize things. So proposals were made and the possibility of a full time position was considered. Now being that I will have a communication degree and I have been doing alot of what they were talking about I figured I had a good shot at the position. After thought, meetings, etc it has been decided that a communications person is not needed here and that things need to be researched more. So I'm not sure what this means for me here....I can't continue to work part time without benefits and pay my bills so I will find out what the options are here and go from there. But it looks like the possibility of me looking for a new job may increase here soon.

Now here is the kicker of all that...I love where I work...I love the people I work I'm lots of questions and missing answers. But who knows maybe this is my push to go to grad school. We'll see what happens.


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