Tuesday, October 26, 2004

An Update...

It is funny I used to grumble about my friends who didn't update their blogs regularly. I understand why now, you get busy. So I'm here to update you guys....

First sports....

New England is happy right now and I'll tell you why....first the Patriots are undefeated and have set many new records...that is good. And I really attribute their success to their attitude...they are a team not a group of stars and they take it one game at a time...they assume nothing.

The second reason why New England is happy...the Red Sox are in the World Series and they got there by beating the evil Yankees. Can it get any better...well yes they could win the World Series...keep positive thoughts they are 2-0 right now.

And on the Fantasy Football front I am 6-1 right now which puts me second in our league. It is weird. If you had told me this is where I would be I would have laughed. I look forward to next week. Although a rough week for players on bye. So we'll see. I personally think it is ff karma that has gotten me this far. I have refrained from harsh smack. A lesson some people in our league may want to consider.

Now school...

Only four more biology labs....yippee!!! I can't wait. Bio lab really hasn't been as bad as I thought. It goes quickly and well it is fairly simple really. So I can't complain.

Now although I want to graduate I have enjoyed my fantasy literature class a lot and I will be sad to see it end. There are some fun people in that class. And the professor rocks. This is the second time I have had a class with her. We are now reading Ursula Le Guin's Earthsea Series. If you like fantasy literature I highly recommend it. It follows the story of a gifted wizard as he travels through Earthsea. It is a little sexist at points because women are not allowed to become wizards but it is interesting.

And graduation will be here before I know it. Or that is my hope anyway...only 53 more days to go. I can't wait.

I think that is about it for today. I may have a brief rant later but it depends on my mood. ;-)

Take care,


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